HELP!! This Newsletter is the lifeblood of
BWMT and therefore essential to our
continued existence and success. It also
takes a lot of work and organization. At the
same time it's and fun and fascinating job. I
have been doing it for a year and a half now
and it's staring to wear on me. I desperatly
need a break. Also in the past it was a
pleasant diversion from my work. But now the
work I do is barely distinguishable from the
Newsletter work. Please speak up if you'd like
to try this out. We need someone soon. And I
need a rest. This will be temporary and you
will have lots of help from me and Jay. If you
have access to a McIntosh, that's even better.
Thanks. Joseph _
On the 8th there will be an Education
committee meeting at Ed's. They are looking
for everyone's input on programs you'd like to
see, discussions, films etc. Yes, we know
sometimes these meetings may not sound
like much fun. But they hope to have them
only every few months. Come, meet some
new folks, and let them know the sort of things
you'd like to see provided by BWMT for the
next few months.
March is ACC month. The tournament
weekend, the 10th and 11th, will take place at
at Jerry's, on the 1 0th, and Wes', the 11th. If
you need to call Wes, please note that his
phone # will probably be changed, but if it is,
the operator will automatically give you the
new number.
The discussion group at Jerry’s on the 27th
should be interesting. The subject is
'Relationships; what do we want from them?'
Have you seen the latest Advocate? There's a
great story, and photos, of Bill T. Jones
who we gave the reception for this summer.
Check out the story,
At the Community Church in Chapel Hill there
will be a dance with entertainment. All of this is
a fundraiser for the North Carolina Project
1990 which has formed to work against the
defeat of Helms. This should be lots of fun.
And of course a worthwhile cause.
Have you heard about our Hot, Horny and
Healthy Playshops? They are fun,
entertaining and help us to take control of our
own lives. Why don't you have one in your
house. Invite your friends. We even provide
wonderful, (and very Hot), invitations for you
to send out. And yes, everyone keeps their
clothes on, but oh do we get into some good
open talk. Call Jerry, 479-0136 or Joseph,
490-1555 for more info.
Please fill out the membership renewal form
and send it in!! We can't survive without
members and dues. And we're just going to
get better and better. Be a part of it all.
Wes Root is happily living in Nigeria now. But
he misses us and loves to write letters. His
address is: Agricultural Seeds Ltd., PO Box
1673, Zaria, Nigeria, Africa. Drop him a line,
he'll answer all.
The following quote is by Barbara Smith, a
Black Lesbian Activist. It is from an article
entitled "taking the home out of
homophobia," in the Spring 1990 issue of
the magazine Outlook.
"We, (Black people living in this country),
pay a heavy toll for being who we are and living
with integrity. Being out means you are doing
what your grandmother told you to do, which
is not to lie. Black lesbians and gays who are
out are not lying. But we pay high prices for
our integrity. People really need to
understand that there is entrenched violence
against lesbians and gay men that is much like
and parallel to the racial violence that has
characterized Black people's lives since we've
been in this country. When we then say that
we are concerned about fighting homophobia
and heterosexism, and changing attitudes,
we're not talking about people being pleasant
to us."