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Mrs. E. HI. Younge
Tlic seventh grades of Lillie
River school visiled North Ca¬
rolina's new Stale Legislative
Building March 1.
We learned how our state is
governed and also how laws
and bills are passed.
Our tour was made more in¬
teresting because of the guide.
Our guide was the grand-son of
Durham's Judge Wilson. He
showed us many offices and
rooms of the State Building, and
gave us explanations as to their
The five-domed State Legisla¬
tive Building consists of royal
(Continued from Page 3)
students, Patricia Faucelte and
Robert Jones, to participate in
the Scholastic Art Contest in
Greensboro. Each received a
certificate for his entry in the
Linoleum Block Printing Di¬
Several members of our class
also participated in the District
Music Festival held at Merrick-
Moore school, April 3.
Miss V. L. l’erry, Teacher
The second semester got under
way with a ting "bang” for us
as only two of our students were
on the honor roll, Barbara Coop
er “A” and Veula Jones “B."
Wayne Parker was master of
ed and scored by Science Re¬
search Associates, Chicago, Illi¬
nois. The local winner in a
school receives a beautiful pin;
the stale winner in the contest
receives a $1,500.00 scholarship
by General Mills, Sponsor of
the program.
We wish to congratulate Be-
tina on her accomplishment. Her
award will be presented her on
Awards Day in our school.
red carpets, indoor gardens, roof ccremonies f„r our Career Day
gardens, and fountains, all of
which add to the beauty of the
To further aid in our study of
North Carolina, we plan to visit
the Governor's mansion, the Old
Capitol Building, and the Art
Museum this spring.
Mr. W. B. Mclver
"Models and motors” provid¬
ed the interest as members of
the seventh grade science class¬
es prepared for the annual sci¬
ence fair. After doing consider¬
able research in the school libra¬
ry on electric motors, several
boys accepted the task of build¬
ing a number of simple electric
Other students chose as their
projects a model city, a model
water plant, rock and insect
collections, weather charts and
weather instruments.
In February, we look a trip to
the new State House in Raleigh.
Afterwards, we went on a guid¬
ed tour of this beautiful build-
Ine. V” Minrvelec* *K" '-"ne-
liig g.iiutiis, me pools, . • tro¬
pical plants.
exercises. He along with Marvin
Parker and Veula Jones parti¬
cipated in the devotionals dur¬
ing NFA and NHA Week.
Michael Roberts attended the
Scholastic Press News Confer¬
ence in New York. Faye Cates,
Barbara Cooper, Beatrice Jones,
Veula Jones, Johnnie Kce, Caro¬
lyn Long, Lorenzolla Parrish,
Joanne Peaks, Wayne Parker,
and Alvin Bullock are members
of our glee club.
Mrs. E. It. Tuck, Teacher
The members of the tenth
grade, section one, has made
a great deal of progress this
year. As a result, seven mem¬
bers of the class were installed
as Probationary members of the
National Honor Society. Those
persons are as follows: Ella Jane
Ilolcman, Joyce Ann Daye, Rena
Elaine Parker, Saundra Jones,
Pred Dwight Holeman, McDuf¬
fie Turrentine and Mary Eliza¬
beth Harris, We are very proud
of the progress of this group
o nH hnpn Ihov will rnnH'1"'' * “
Mrs. L. R. Richardson's and
Mrs. D. S. Moore's classes went
on an educational tour of Dur¬
ham, on April ID. We visited
the American Tobacco Company,
Fire Station No. 4 and the Chil¬
dren's Museum. At the fire sta¬
tion we saw two trucks, one
that was used many years ago.
We saw the sleeping quarters
of the firemen and how fire a-
larins are received. At the Chil¬
dren's Museum we saw the ex¬
hibits and a film on the Milk¬
weed Butterfly.
We had three pupils to make
the "A” honor roll, they are
Betty Holman, Sylvia Holman
and Brenda Turrentine.
Mrs. J. D. Robinson
Mrs. Robinson's class is full
of excitement! We learned to do
many things in neddlecraft,
basketry and learned to make
things from several kinds of
Three Seniors Receive Scholarships
Three members of the Gradu¬
ating Class of 1963 have been
named recipients of scholarships:
Joe Cates, Thelma Lunsford
and Belina Parker.
Joe Cates received a $1,000
scholarship to Tuskegee Insti¬
tute, in Tuskegee, Alabama. He
is a member of the high school
chorus, and a member of the
New Farmers of America. Thel¬
ma Lunsford received a $600
scholarship to Shaw University-
in Raleigh.
Thelma is the Editor of the Hi-
Tide Staff, member of the high
school chorus, assistant secre¬
tary of the senior class and a
member of the National Honor
Society. Betina Parker received
a $1.000 scholarship to Bennett
College in Greensbor. Betina is
vice-president of the senior class,
secretary of the Student Council,
member of the Hi-Tide staff,
and a member of the high
school chorus.
Thelma Glenn, Naomi Rogers,
Mary Cates and Marie Kings
crocheted caps and bag sets, and
embroidered scarfs and pot
Daisy Morehead is completing
a pieced quilt for our harvest
festival next year. The boys
have made scarfs, pot holders,
and pin cushions to give their
mothers for gifts.
We have several artists in our
AHb'tr •
man, Ttielmn CJIe, in, Roy t'nnu
Our aim is to interest more
male participants in our chorus
so we may have the balance
needed for superior singing. We
have been rated as very good
in the District Festival and we
want to make improvements
next year. Sixteen members of
our chorus were in Concert at
the State Music Festival in
We have been quite busy per¬
forming on various occasions for
activities in our school. We have
rendered music for our Career!
Day program. Honor Society's]
iind Mur.ic Week. Yi c |
are now rehearsing musical ren- 1
Class Of ’63
(Continued from Page 3)
bers of the Honor Society .They
are Thelma Lunsford, Mozel
Harris and Cosby Harris. Again
Gladys Ferrell has become
president of the Student Council
and Betina Parker, secretary.
Again this year the senior boys
have won the Intramural Cham¬
pionship trophy. All the seniors
are planning for a successful
commencement. _
We would like to express our
gratitude to our principal, our
many teachers and our host of
menus ana relatives for mak¬
ing our high school education