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May 17 Raleigh NOW CR program on homophobia,
(Tues.) sponsored by Lesbian Rights Task Force,
Women only. Call Debbie, 833-9028.
May 20
May 21
(Sat. )
7:30 P.M. A celebration of the 5th anniversary
of the Women's Coffeehouse, with Lisa Creed,
local graphic artist and feminist poet. $3.00.
3313 Wade Ave. (R) . 834-0937 or 286-3960.
Hike along the Eno with Southern Women Outdoors.
Bring lunch, binoculars, bird books. Meet at
Durham YWCA, Hillsboro Post Office, or across
from Breadman's. Nonmembers $1.00.
May 2 1
(Sat. )
May 2 4
(Tues . )
7:00 P.M.
World Mutual Service of the Durham YWCA brunch and panel
discussion: Affirmative Action: Looking Ahead. Alex¬
ander's, Hillsborough Rd. Reservations by
International Women's Disarmament Day open house at War
Resisters' League office, 604 W. Chapel Hill St. (D) . Come
find out about Women's Peace Walk and Seneca Women's Peace
Encampment this summer.
May 25
(Wed . )
May 27
June 3-5
June 4
(Sat. )
June 8
(Wed. )
7:00-9:00 P.M. All About the Blues, a workshop on women and
depression, at the Orange Co. Women's Center. Call 968-4646.
8:00 P.M. Women's night at the Refuge (9th St., Durham).
$2.00 donation to benefit the Women's Peace Walk. Call 682-6374
7:00 P.M. Potluck for lesbians/gay women over 30 in Carrboro.
Call 942-2667 for directions. For more information, 477-5726.
National Women's Music Festival, P.0 Box 1568, Bloomington,
Indiana, 47402.
3:00 P.M. Durham Co. Public Library, 300 N. Roxboro, presents
"Gal Young 'Un", a wonderful, surprisingly feminist film. Free
6:30 P.M. 5K Race and Fun Race for Rape Crisis Center of
Raleigh. Register by May 25. Call Mimi Saffer, 848-0464.
8:00. National Lesbian Slide Show. See flyer attached.
7:30 P.M. Five week study group begins at C.H. Women's
Center to examine the Radical Feminist perspective. Topics
may include women as a class, the dilution of feminism, the
future of feminism. All women welcome; call 968-4646.
WRL Anniversary dinner, scheduled for May 21, postponed
until July 9.
Women's Square Dance (May 28) cancelled.
Women's Roundhouse for Survival (June 3) postponed.
Dannia, 682-6374.
Location change: Women for Sobriety now meets Tuesdays at
8:00 P.M. at the Student Presbyterian Ctr. , Henderson St (CH) .
The Ms-Elleneous Women softball team plays at Walltown Park, Club Blvd.
(D) , at the following times:
May 17: 7:45 May 19: 9:00
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May 24: 6:30
May 26: 9:00